Wicca Study Circle
rules and guidelines


Circle meets every other Saturday night beginning Sat. Jan 27th please contact Indigo for details 

Donations will be accepted - to cover cost of supplies (candles, incense etc)


Habitual lateness will not be tolerated


The study group is designed to have fun while learning, but we ask that disruptions be kept to a minimum.


There may be required reading from time to time, as well as required written assignments.


It is suggested that you attend open Sabbat ritual celebrations, hosted by Aquarius Moon Rising

Full moon rituals, and other rituals will be held when group is "deemed" ready.


In the circle study group we strive for a "perfect love and perfect trust" atmosphere, we hope that you strive for that as well. If we feel that someone does not maintain this attitude, we will not hesitate to ask them to leave.  Harmony is imperative to a successful circle.

Thank you  in advance and
Blessed Be,
   Indigo  )*